Redefining ERP Modernisation Webinar: Adapting strategies in the age of next-gen AI
Redefining ERP Modernisation Webinar: Adapting strategies in the age of next-gen AI

Redefining ERP Modernisation Webinar: Adapting strategies in the age of next-gen AI

Embrace the era of AI in ERP with our on-demand webinar, ‘Redefining ERP Modernisation: Adapting strategies in the age of next-generation AI’. Discover how Dynamics 365 is at the forefront of this transformation, offering insights and practical strategies for businesses ready to take advantage of the power of next-generation AI for operational excellence and strategic agility. Featuring a guest speaker from IDC, this session navigates through the evolving ERP landscape, emphasising the pivotal role of AI in driving business innovation.

This session will explore:

  • The strategic integration of generative AI in ERP systems to enhance operational efficiency and innovation.
  • Methods to navigate the complexities of ERP IT stack updates for both product-centric and service-centric business models effectively.
  • The role of Dynamics 365 in pioneering new approaches to ERP modernisation, emphasising scalability, flexibility and security.

    Join us on this on-demand journey to understand how your organisation can capitalise on the transformative potential of modernised ERP systems powered by AI.
